Archive for July, 2016

Is It Time For A New Pair Of Prescription Motorcyle Glasses?

  • msatghare
  • July 22, 2016

How long have you had your current prescription motorcycle glasses? Since you wear these motorcycle glasses very time you ride, it can be hard for you to determine when it is time to replace those glasses with a new pair. We know that some people are hesitant about replacing their glasses unless they feel it is […]

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Motorcycle Riding Glasses: Let Your Glasses Do It All

  • msatghare
  • July 15, 2016

Motorcycle riders are not like other people, they are in a completely different category. It does not matter if they are riding on an open road or if they are racing on a dirt road showing off their new tricks. A biker’s motorcycle is basically a way of life. Whatever equipment and gear that needs […]

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Motorcycle Riding Glasses: Protect One Of Your Most Valuable Assets

  • msatghare
  • July 7, 2016

You have one pair of eyes, right? So, the threat of any flying object coming directly at your face is always there, especially when you are taking a ride on our motorcycle. Even if you do not ride your motorcycle every day, you have probably had an object hit you in the face. Avoiding Injuries […]

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